Sunday, April 9, 2017

MAEA Conference 2017 Presentation Proposal Submissions

Whether you are a student teacher, a first year art teacher, or a well seasoned veteran you all have something wonderful to contribute to the Michigan Art Education Association Conference this fall in Detroit. Please consider submitting your presentation proposals to help make this year's art education conference one to remember as we go Retro in the Metro.

Having presented myself at past conferences I can attest to how nervous I was that first time I sent in a proposal. Would it get accepted? Did I have something to share that the conference committee thought others would want to learn about? Then it was conference time and I worried whether anyone would show up to my presentation. If anything I had prepared to share with them was something they didn't already know. Was it something they could use in their own teaching practices? However, after the blur of that presentation had come and gone I reflected on the experience of connecting with my fellow art educators in a whole new way. My presentation had morphed into a wonderful discussion about technology in the art room and we all learned so much from each other that hour. I made connections with art educators I hadn't met before. Afterward I knew one thing. I had a wealth of experiences to share with others in the field. And I wanted to continue to present when I could. So I urge you to consider presenting in Detroit next November. It's an experience you won't regret. You'll make wonderful memories by being a part of the conference in a whole new way.

Due by April 30th


  1. Replies
    1. I'm so sorry I'm just now seeing this. The words "Proposal Form" above the bottom graphic are a direct link to the proposal form.
