Sunday, August 27, 2017

Fun Ways to Kick Off Another School Year!

There are so many great ways to kick off a new school year. Here are just a few that you might enjoy incorporating into your beginning of the year activities and lessons.

Tabby Anny has her students create "Wanted" posters as a get to know you activity. It allows her to get to know their likes and interests. It also requires them to draw a self-portrait which allows her to see where they are artistically.

This year I used Piktochart to create an infographic to help my online students get to know me as we began our school year together.

This website features a wonderful list of various ways that art teachers recommend for ways to start off the school year on the right foot. 

Regardless of how you choose to begin your school year, whether it's your first or your thirtieth I hope you have a wonderful year! 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

National Art Education Association Webinars

Did you know that as part of your membership to the National Art Education Association you get free access to all of their monthly webinars through the NAEA website I stumbled across this a few months ago and have thoroughly enjoyed them ever since. They cover a wide range of relevant topics. You can access all past webinars including many national convention recordings from past NAEA conferences. It's a wonderful collection of resources that are sure to meet all of your art education interests.

Some the past webinars are featured below. I hope you'll take some time to look through this amazing collection of webinars as well as everything else that the NAEA has to offer through

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Art Teacher Resource: The Art of Education

If you haven't already done so make sure you find some time as summer winds down to check out the amazing resources available through The Art of Education. Some of our own members including Janine Campbell have contributed by being presenters for their online conferences. Beyond the online conferences which you register for there are a ton of really wonderful resources for free on their website as well as many classes, even those that offer graduate credits. All virtually!



Sunday, August 6, 2017

MAEA Members as Artists - Monday, August 7, 2017

Many of our members are not only amazing art educators but also actively working artists as we've come to see in our member highlight blog posts. These ladies are no exception as each is participating in upcoming art fairs this weekend across Michigan. I hope that if you are in the area you'll try to check out their beautiful pieces and support the continued art making of our fellow art educators.

Saturday, August 12th - North Muskegon 

The 34th Annual Northside Family Fun Art Fair is this Saturday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in Walker Park, 1502 Ruddiman Drive, North Muskegon. MAEA member September Buys will be one of the many artists selling their work at booth 104.

Some of September Buys' work:



Sunday, August 13th - Detroit Artist Bazaar

The third annual Detroit Artist Bazaar is this coming Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at The Eastern in Detroit's Eastern Market. Admission is free and features over 50 local artists including our own members Alexandra Wilson, Lauren Nalepa, Alayna Smith, and Nicole Anderson. This talented young ladies are recent graduates of Michigan State University's Art Education program.

Some of Alexandra Wilson's work:




Some of Lauren Nalepa's work:



Some of Alayna Smith's work: